Trigger Point Injections (TPI) and Nerve Blocks are nonnarcotic, non-steroidal localized injections used to treat pain and discomfort caused by chronic pain, injury, stress, fatigue, anxiety and/or degenerative disease. This plant derived solution increases blood flow to the affected muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons allowing for optimum healing and repair.
Helps with: Lower back pain, Headaches/ migraines, Neck pain, TMJ, Sports Injuries, Chronic Muscle/Nerve Pain, Rotator cuff injury, Tennis elbow, Tendinitis, Frozen shoulder, Bursitis, Arthritis, Carpel tunnel syndrome, Stress and generalized tension, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Sciatic nerve pain, Leg/buttock/knee pain. Additionally, it can be used as an adjunct to competitive athletes as increased blood flow to treated athletes optimizes muscle performance and recovery.
These therapies are alternative forms of pain management that do not include narcotics or the use of steroids. The active ingredient is SARAPIN, which has been FDA approved as a holistic medication for the use of general pain management. It has been used by Health Care practitioners for over 70 years and has minimal side-effects and no known medication interactions.